
Arts Focus: Arlington Arts Offers Professional Development Workshops

This is a column written and sponsored by Arlington Arts / Arlington Cultural Affairs, a division of Arlington Economic Development.

Building capacity is central to any discipline. It’s important to remain up to speed on best practices whether you’re a chiropractor or a calligrapher. As such, Arlington Cultural Affairs has launched two new levels of learning: one free and one for a small fee, offering a deeper level of professional development.

Arts Lab, a series of free workshops linking professional visual, film, literary and media artists and tech professionals in the arts with the Arlington community to experiment and learn new skills. The next workshop, designed primarily for those working in the field, will be Audio for Theatre, on Saturday, February 10 at 11 a.m., at Theatre on the Run in Shirlington.

It will examine the components of a typical theatre sound system: wired and wireless microphones, mixing consoles, speakers and their placement, intercom and stage announcement systems, playback systems for sound effects and power sources. A portion of the program will examine the variety and differences in microphones and will help in the understanding on how to use the “right tool for the right job.”

The workshop will focus on the practical aspects of what an audio engineer needs to know to survive in today´s live entertainment environment and particularly in live theatre. This session will be taught by Luis Chavesta who brings a wealth of experience in entertainment sound including theater, music and video production. He has toured extensively both internationally and in the US.

Our new Arts Enterprise Institute is in the process of launching with the workshop Creatives and Conflict Transformations, on Saturday, March 24 and Sunday March 25, from 9 a.m.-5 p.m. The program will help creatives overcome patterns of intense or negative interactions by identifying communications skills that can better help you accomplish your goals.

Via Bia is an alumna of Sundance’s Latino Screenwriting Project (a script lab for Latino screenwriters), and a winner of the Virginia Screenwriting Competition for her script The Radish Baby. Before becoming a filmmaker, Via worked in the restorative justice field and taught in Mexico City. This intensive workshop costs $40 and includes breakfast and lunch each day.

We are currently planning workshops for next season and want to know what you would like to experience at the Arts Lab. Please complete this short survey to help us help you!