
Arlington Agenda (Oct. 6-12)

Arlington Agenda is a listing of interesting events for the week ahead in Arlington County.

If you’d like to see your event featured, fill out the event submission form. Also, be sure to check out our event calendar.


APAH-25th-Logo_rgb_no-titleAPAH’s Annual Fundraiser*
Clarendon Ballroom (3185 Wilson Blvd)
Time: 5:00-8:00 p.m.

The Arlington Partnership for Affordable Housing celebrates its 25th anniversary with a dinner, honoring retired state Sen. Mary Margaret Whipple and JBG Companies managing director Brian Coulter.

photo272Vintage Arlington Exhibit Reception*
Cherrydale Branch Library (2190 Military Road)
Time: 7:00-8:30 p.m.

Photographer and Pasha Cafe owner Bill Hamrock hosts an exhibit of vintage Arlington photos at the Cherrydale library. The event is free and catered by Pasha Cafe.


Twins from The ShiningLive Music: Cake and Calculus, Exit Vehicles*
IOTA Cluba & Cafe (2832 Wilson Blvd)
Time: 8:00-11:30 p.m.

This event, called D.C. Twin Fest, features two bands headlined by sets of twins. Twins are encouraged to come and join the festivities. Admission is $10 at the door.

challenge_clear1Challenge Racism
Campbell Elementary School (757 S. Carlin Springs Road)
Time: 7:00-9:30 p.m.

A free discussion series intended for parents and residents alike, asking the community to share stories of racism and to discuss the modern state of race relations in 11 sessions.


Las-Cafeteras_event (1)Live Music: Las Cafeteras
Artisphere Ballroom (1101 Wilson Blvd)
Time: 8:00 p.m.

East L.A. latin fusion band Las Cafeteras brings their eclectic instrument mix, including a requinto, a “donkey jawbone, and a cajòn, to Artisphere. Tickets are $15.


Saint Ann Fall Festival*
Saint Ann Parish and School (980 N. Frederick Street)
Time: 10:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.

“Moonbounce & obstacle course, games, raffles, silent auction, white elephant sale, food, beer garden, live music and entertainment. Free admission and parking.” Call 703-525-7599 for more information.

*Denotes featured (sponsored) event