
Rethink Energy: How Many County Employees Does It Take To Change a Light Bulb?

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This regularly-scheduled sponsored Q&A column is written by the Arlington Initiative to Rethink Energy team (AIRE). This county program helps you make smart energy decisions that save you money and leaves a lighter footprint on the environment. Got a question? Email us at [email protected]!

How many Arlington County employees does it take to change a light bulb? I’m sure the inventive ARLnow readership will all have a field day with this in the comments. We look forward to reading your responses. (insert popcorn eating gif here)

The number of County employees it takes to change a light is up for debate, but in reality the County has changed more than 10,000 lights from old inefficient lights to new LED lights. The County is saving more than a million dollars annually from these upgrades.

The next time you are at the Ballston Common Mall parking garage, look up. The County just upgraded 1,675 lights to LEDs. The garage is much brighter and uses 60% less energy. The garage lighting upgrade alone will save about $50,000 annually. So, how does this focus on lighting help you?

I’m glad you asked. You can get a free LED bulb any Saturday in October from 10 a.m. to noon. Stop by Arlington’s Central Library (1015 N. Quincy Street) with an old incandescent bulb and swap it for an efficient LED bulb. It’s that easy. LED bulbs dim beautifully, last a really long time, and sip energy. Come get a free bulb. We offer a money back guarantee.

Thanks for reading our first post. We are just getting started. Our Rethink Energy column will run at noon, every other Saturday. Get excited and start checking ARLnow on the weekends. In future posts, we will take your questions, provide tips to save money and energy, review energy savings gadgets, and more.

Send your energy questions to [email protected]. The Rethink Energy Team will answer them in future posts.

Be Smart, Think Less.

Smart lighting choices lead to less energy use.