
Annual Juror Qualification Process Begins Soon

The annual process of qualifying residents for Arlington’s juror pool is about to begin.

Starting in early September, the Arlington Circuit Court, which includes the City of Falls Church, will mail out questionnaires to randomly selected residents. The questionnaires are used to qualify residents for jury duty during the 2013 court year, which runs from January 21, 2013 through January 2014.

Around 10,000 residents from Arlington and the City of Falls Church are selected from the registered voter lists provided by the State Board of Elections. Jury Commissioners review the responses on the questionnaires to determine a person’s eligibility to serve as a juror for civil and criminal trials in the Arlington Circuit Court.

Anyone who receives a questionnaire is asked to follow these steps:

  • Read the entire questionnaire carefully, front and back, for detailed instructions.
  • Using your Candidate ID number printed on the questionnaire, visit the secure juror website to complete and submit the questionnaire online (if using this option, do not mail in the form).
  • You may also mail the completed form as instructed in the questionnaire.
  • The questionnaire is not a summons to appear, so please do not call the Clerk’s Office asking for an excuse from jury duty. Excuses or postponements to serve at another time during the year can be considered if you are actually summoned to serve as a juror.

The form must be completed and returned within 10 days of receipt. Failure to respond to the questionnaire may result in being summoned to Court to complete the form in person.

The normal term of service for those who are picked for jury duty is one week, from Monday through Thursday. Trials generally average one to two days, and jurors receive a $30 expense reimbursement for each day they report for service.

More information about jury duty is available on the county’s website.