
Show Your Local Pride With a Shirt That Just Says “Local”

Nothing says “I support local business” like a t-shirt you ordered on Amazon that literally only says “Local.”

The fifth and final* shirt in our 2019 collection has a backstory full of twists and turns.

It started as a shirt that said “Local Is Everything,” our official slogan. The slogan came about when the designer of our website put it in the sketch as placeholder text and we decided we liked it enough to keep it.

The designs for our “Local Is Everything” shirt were decent — and you can order them below, too! — but we questioned whether anyone outside of our office would wear it. We then cut it down to just “Local” and that seemed cool, kind of like a trendy streetwear brand. Kind of.

Anyhow, now we’re offering you this stylish shirt so you, too, can express your general support of all things local.

This shirt will actually benefit local business — ours. We get about 25%, so please order some for the whole family. It looks like you won’t get your shirt before the holidays, so maybe this can be a post-New-Years present instead.

Get the “Local” shirt in the following styles:

You can also order our “Local Is Everything” shirts, which look best in the raglan style, in our opinion, as well as a PopSockets smartphone grip

*Editor’ note: We’re going to show you some of the rejected designs soon and let you vote to turn one of them into an actual shirt for sale.