
Morning Notes

Driving in the dark and the rain (Flickr pool photo by Emma K Alexandra)

Large Comcast OutageUpdated at 8 a.m. — As of last night, numerous readers were reporting a widespread Comcast outage in parts of Arlington, particularly south Arlington. The outage started Thursday afternoon. Service has been restored this morning, per Comcast. “Services have been restored and the cause was a third-party trenching company that cut through our underground fiber,” a spokesperson told ARLnow. “We apologize to those impacted.” [Twitter]

Rotary Club Awards Students, Teacher — “The Arlington Rotary Club awarded college scholarships totaling $18,000 to two Arlington students at its annual education fund banquet. At the April 20 banquet, Mikey Samayoa also was honored as the club’s Key School ‘Educator of the Year’ for 2022-2023. Samayoa, a fourth-grade teacher in Key School-Escuela Key’s bilingual elementary-school program, worked with families to help them register for the Arlington recreation soccer program.” [Patch]

‘Pink in the Park’ This Weekend — The rescheduled date for National Landing’s Pink in the Park event is this Sunday. Weather may again be a factor, with rain in the forecast. [Eventbrite]

It’s Friday — Rain throughout much of the day. Cool. High of 57 and low of 55. Sunrise at 6:14 am and sunset at 7:57 pm. []

Flickr pool photo by Emma K Alexandria