
Rethink Energy: Earth Day

This regularly-scheduled sponsored column is written by the Arlington Initiative to Rethink Energy team (AIRE). This county program helps you make smart energy decisions that save you money and leaves a lighter footprint on the environment.   

Would you believe that energy and water use in Arlington has actually decreased in the past decade?!

This is despite 22,000 new residents and 20 million additional square feet of office and residential space in Arlington since 2007. Through smart planning and valuing sustainability, Arlington is demonstrating that growth can come without further impacting the environment.  

The LEED for Communities Platinum certification is validation that Arlington residents, businesses and government are committed to the community’s long-term economic, environmental and social sustainability.

Residents continue to lead on environmental-related actions. You can join the Arlingtonians that have already installed solar, completed a home retrofit project, or certified their green home. Learn more in the links below.

Managing growth is not a destination but a journey — one that Arlington County and Arlingtonians are committed to daily.

Learn more: https://environment.arlingtonva.us/earthday/