
Rethink Energy: Earth Day 2021

This regularly scheduled sponsored column is written by the Arlington Initiative to Rethink Energy team (AIRE). This county program helps you make smart energy decisions that save you money and leaves a lighter footprint on the environment.

On Earth Day — April 22, the Biden administration is holding a global climate summit as more than 300 corporate leaders ask the Biden administration to take additional actions to address climate change.

As our schools, businesses, restaurants and the world head toward a “return to normal,” there is no going back to business-as usual.

COVID-19 reminds us that global action is possible to address and mitigate dire threats. It also shows how quickly governments — including Arlington’s — can act given the urgency. The conversation shifts from what should be done to what must be done.

We’re experiencing the possibilities of collective action right now.

Working with residents and businesses, the Rethink Energy team remains committed to addressing climate change to create a carbon-neutral Arlington along with similar efforts around the world.

Together let’s keep working toward that healthy and sustainable future. We can do it. There really isn’t a choice.

Happy Earth Day, Arlington!