
Study: Virginia has 4th strongest residents in U.S.

Weight room at Life Time fitness center in Clarendon (via Life Time)

Arlington ranked as the ‘fittest city’ in the U.S. for the sixth year in a row earlier this year. But the state in which the county is located is no slouch either.

Virginia is the fourth strongest state in the nation, according to a new study.

The Commonwealth weighs in behind Texas (1), Florida (2) and New York (3) in the rankings, which looked at data from the website Open Powerlifting.

“Virginia’s results: average squat: 573 lbs; average bench press: 364 lbs; average deadlift: 667 lbs,” noted a PR rep.

More from a press release:

Lift Vault, an online resource for powerlifting, bodybuilding and strength training, analyzed data, and set out to determine where in America do the country’s physically strongest men & women reside? They scoured through 5 years of data provided by Open Powerlifting focusing on 3 main powerlifting categories – the squat (a strength exercise in which the trainee lowers their hips from a standing position and then stands back up); the bench press (an upper-body weight training exercise in which the trainee presses a weight upwards while lying on a weight training bench); and a deadlift (in which a weight is lifted off the ground to the level of the hips, before being placed back on the ground).

The full set of rankings can be found here. The top and bottom five are below.

2023’s Five Strongest States:

1. Texas
2. Florida
3. NY
4. Virginia
5. California

2023’s Five Weakest States:

50. Vermont
49. Wyoming
48. Arkansas
47. North Dakota
46. West Virginia