
Neighborhood Spotlight: Shop local for gift giving this season

Looking for that last minute gift? Support our vibrant local Arlington economy.

Whether a specialty bottle of wine or a beautiful cheese board made by an Arlington artisan, check out our 2021 Holiday Gift Guide featuring Arlington shops and restaurants!

Below is just a small sampling of great gift ideas right in our neighborhoods and remember to help our Arlington economy by supporting our local businesses — every shop has a unique story that makes our main street the vibrant colorful community it is today.

Join the conversation and tell us about some of your favorite places to buy gifts in Arlington!



Specialty Goods 


Local Support

For 40 years, McEnearney Associates has been a premiere residential, commercial and property management firm with 11 offices located in the Washington metro region. With service excellence, hyper-local expertise, powerful data insights, innovative technology and cutting-edge marketing, McEnearney Associates have helped their clients make informed decisions on their most valuable real estate investments. There is an important difference at McEnearney: It’s not about us, it’s about you. To learn more, visit us at www.McEnearney.com.