
BREAKING: APS closes schools Thursday due to expected snow

Arlington school bus on a snowy morning

Arlington Public Schools and offices will be closed Thursday due to the expected snow and messy commute.

“Extracurricular activities, games, team practices, field trips, adult education classes, and programs in schools and on school grounds are canceled,” the school system announced today (Wednesday).

The National Weather Service issued a Winter Weather Advisory between 6 a.m. and 1 p.m., predicting there could be an accumulation of up to 2 inches.

The Capital Weather Gang says the timing could lead to a bad morning commute.

In November, APS modified its snow procedures to include six traditional snow days, and when all those are used, it is expected to revert to virtual days. At the beginning of January, students were set to return to classrooms from winter break but got an additional week off school due to snow — using all but one of the traditional snow days.

Superintendent Francisco Durán sent an update to the school system Wednesday before the closure announcement, stating staff are preparing for how teachers and students can transition to synchronous, virtual learning on future inclement weather days. He said he would share a full plan on virtual learning in his Wednesday, Jan. 26 message and recommended several ways children can be ready for virtual learning.

“Remind your student(s) to bring their devices and charging cords home daily in preparation for a closure due to inclement weather. Teachers will also remind students,” he wrote. “Notify your child’s teacher if your child does not have access to reliable internet so that the school can help connect you to this resource. More information is available online.”