
School is back in session, work is heating up and vacation time is over. Or is it? We in the “DMV” are fortunate to have the “P” waiting to welcome us just to the north.

Pennsylvania is close enough for interesting day trips to historic city sites–where you can be out in the morning and back at night–and big enough for extended stays in scenic countryside that varies from picturesque lake fronts to slow rising mountains.


Sedona? Or Slate? It’s a mindset. It’s a lifestyle decision. It’s a double-shot of urban living in Rosslyn. Do you prefer the warm, boutique hotel-inspired vibe of Sedona or the sleek, contemporary feel of Slate? No matter which you choose, you can’t go wrong.

See for yourself the stylish choices offered at the upscale apartment community Sedona|Slate and tour the residences in person to take advantage of special open house incentives this weekend.


That buzz you are hearing is the energy and excitement coming from historic Potomac Yards. The brand new apartment community, Notch 8, which is named after the highest gear a diesel-electric locomotive can hit, continues to generate steam.

The residents are, even as we speak, enjoying the full array of amenities and features offered at Notch 8.


It is a homeowner’s nightmare: You come down the stairs in the morning to start the day with a cup of coffee only to step into a puddle of water on the kitchen floor. A puddle? In fact, it is pooling from a leak under the sink, and it is spreading.

Good morning! Now what?


After the winter and spring we “enjoyed” in Arlington, chances are your carpet, rugs, upholstery and wood floors took a weather beating.

If you pay attention and look closely, you will notice the colors are muted, the fabrics are stained but, worst of all, there are things deep in the fibers you can’t see but are possible menaces to your health and your family’s health.


No one wants to ever call a plumber, electrician or heating and air conditioning technician. It means something isn’t working right, something normally reliable and usually in high-demand (water, power, comfortable climate), but at the moment it’s not doing what it’s supposed to do.

There are those among us who can get out the tool box and figure out what’s up, but most of us have, you know, other skills that don’t involve voltage testers, drain assemblies or digital HVAC multimeters.


Sedona? Or Slate? It’s a mindset. It’s a lifestyle decision. It’s a double-shot of urban living in Rosslyn. Do you prefer the warm, boutique hotel-inspired vibe of Sedona or the sleek, contemporary feel of Slate? No matter which you choose, you can’t go wrong.

See for yourself the stylish choices offered at the upscale apartment community Sedona|Slate and tour the residences in person to take advantage of special Open House incentives this weekend through Monday.


For many, a vacation to the South of France is a considerable expense and represents one of the biggest investments of time and money spent for the year. There is trepidation, particularly for first-time travelers, as they worry if they are doing the right thing.

Arlington-based TripUsaFrance is on hand to break down that barrier by making the entire experience–from booking to embarking to coming home–as frictionless as possible. Because this isn’t their first trip.


Let’s say you’ve landed an apartment at Alexandria’s hottest property, Notch 8, the brand new six-story, upscale building located in Potomac Yards. Let’s say you breeze home from work on the nearby Metro and are ready to make dinner, but you find you are lacking an important ingredient: Groceries.

What do you put into those hardwood cabinets in the pantry, or set out on the kitchen islands, or steam, roast or grill in the new stainless steel stoves and ovens?


Arlington is stuffed with pizza. It’s our go-to, default, twice-to-three times a week weakness. Because it’s easy, it’s a known quantity and we kind of like it.

But not all pizza is created equally. In fact, some is created superiorly, and that would mean Fillmore Pizza. Fresh dough every day. Fresh tomato sauce. Fresh vegetables and meat toppings.


Chances are, as you walk or drive down Wilson Boulevard, you had no idea bodies and lives are being transformed under Boulevard Woodgrill and British Goodies.

But they are. One flight down in the rear of the busy city corner is a 1,200-square-foot gymnasium where men and women work up a sweat under the watchful eyes of certified, motivated trainers whose own goals are to help their clients achieve their goals.

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