
Title insurance is boring, but Allied Title & Escrow is here to decode the jargon and make it (somewhat) more interesting. This biweekly feature will explore the mundane (but very necessary!) world of title insurance while sharing interesting stories of two friends’ entrepreneurial careers.

We wanted to keep those interested in real estate updated on how the virus has affected our industry, so here is an update on all 3 states in this area.


Title insurance is boring, but Allied Title & Escrow is here to decode the jargon and make it (somewhat) more interesting. This biweekly feature will explore the mundane (but very necessary!) world of title insurance while sharing interesting stories of two friends’ entrepreneurial careers.

In this week’s edition of Boring Title, we present to you Allied Mike’s first single.


Title insurance is boring, but Allied Title & Escrow is here to decode the jargon and make it (somewhat) more interesting. This biweekly feature will explore the mundane (but very necessary!) world of title insurance while sharing interesting stories of two friends’ entrepreneurial careers.

In this week’s edition of Boring Title, we sit down with Melody Abella of TTR Sotheby’s & Ru Toyama of Monument Home Loans to discuss what it takes to beat out other offers in a competitive market. The realtor, lender & title company need to be on the same page and have the ability to close quickly!


Title insurance is boring, but Allied Title & Escrow is here to decode the jargon and make it (somewhat) more interesting. This biweekly feature will explore the mundane (but very necessary!) world of title insurance while sharing interesting stories of two friends’ entrepreneurial careers.

Purchasing a home can sometimes be ROCKY… especially in a seller’s market where multiple offers and waived contingencies are normal.


Title insurance is boring, but Allied Title & Escrow is here to decode the jargon and make it (somewhat) more interesting. This biweekly feature will explore the mundane (but very necessary!) world of title insurance while sharing interesting stories of two friends’ entrepreneurial careers.

For this week’s edition of Boring Title, we wanted to provide a video from Matt Leighton and Shawn Battle who speak about the top appreciating neighborhoods in Arlington in 2020!


Title insurance is boring, but Allied Title & Escrow is here to decode the jargon and make it (somewhat) more interesting. This biweekly feature will explore the mundane (but very necessary!) world of title insurance while sharing interesting stories of two friends’ entrepreneurial careers.

For this week’s edition of Boring Title, Latane Meade, CEO of Allied Title & Escrow, gives a brief market update, talks about our year in review and announces our next home buying workshop this Saturday (it involves free beer!).


Title insurance is boring, but Allied Title & Escrow is here to decode the jargon and make it (somewhat) more interesting. This biweekly feature will explore the mundane (but very necessary!) world of title insurance while sharing interesting stories of two friends’ entrepreneurial careers.

We hope that everybody had a great holiday season, and wish everybody a very Happy New Years!


Title insurance is boring, but Allied Title & Escrow is here to decode the jargon and make it (somewhat) more interesting. This biweekly feature will explore the mundane (but very necessary!) world of title insurance while sharing interesting stories of two friends’ entrepreneurial careers.

Exciting news for Allied Title & Escrow!


Title insurance is boring, but Allied Title & Escrow is here to decode the jargon and make it (somewhat) more interesting. This biweekly feature will explore the mundane (but very necessary!) world of title insurance while sharing interesting stories of two friends’ entrepreneurial careers.

This week, Allied Title & Escrow’s CEO, Latane Meade, talks about 4 things you should know about real estate in our area… #3 is VERY EXCITING!


Title insurance is boring, but Allied Title & Escrow is here to decode the jargon and make it (somewhat) more interesting. This biweekly feature will explore the mundane (but very necessary!) world of title insurance while sharing interesting stories of two friends’ entrepreneurial careers.

This week, we sat down with Thad Wise of First Savings Mortgage, to talk about the low rates we’ve had the past 3-4 months, whether or not now is a good time to purchase a property, and how to select a lender and/or agent.


Title insurance is boring, but Allied Title & Escrow is here to decode the jargon and make it (somewhat) more interesting. This biweekly feature will explore the mundane (but very necessary!) world of title insurance while sharing interesting stories of two friends’ entrepreneurial careers.

This week, we wanted to share an article that gives a great real estate market update for the DMV area.

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