Around Town

Merry Christmas from

Christmas tree in the Sheraton hotel on Columbia wishes you and yours a very merry Christmas.

Where ever you are, and whatever you’re doing on the holiday, we encourage you — at least for a day — to put aside the frustrations of the world and treat your fellow humans with uncommon patience and empathy.

By the time Saturday rolls around, you’ll be reading the Rethink Energy column here. The “challenge” referenced in the column is actually not much of a challenge at all — it’s a couple easy things you can do to save energy and money next year. Not a bad New Year’s resolution.

Speaking of the New Year, if you haven’t picked out the bottle of bubbly you’ll be bringing to your friend’s party next week, head on over to Arrowine for their free champagne and wine tasting Sunday afternoon. It will be better received than the supermarket swill you drank in years past.

With that, feel free to use the comments section on this post as your weekend discussion forum. Patience and empathy to all — at least for 24 hours — and to all a good night!