
ARLnow Weekend Discussion

The work week is over and spring is now fully upon us. But this writer worries you all might have missed ARLnow’s very own celebrity encounter in between the start of baseball season and cherry blossoms.

Today (Friday) yours truly was retweeted by none other than Captain Kirk himself.

William Shatner was continuing a spirited exchange about e-bikes that Arlington’s Department of Environmental Services began with the actor-turned-e-bike-enthusist back in November.

Shatner had commended NOVA Parks for lifting its ban on e-bikes on trails. And when asked by this intrepid reporter if he’d let us interview him about his zeal for zoom he didn’t say yes, but he also didn’t say no!

Coincidentally it’s also going to be great weather for biking this weekend: temperatures are expected to reach around 75 degrees by Saturday afternoon.

But we understand if you need to take a minute indoors to catch up on what has been an epically strange news cycle this week. Here are some of the must-read stories worth catching up on:

  1. Traffic Nightmare Continues As I-495 Inner Loop Remains Closed
  2. Arlington Police, FBI Arrest 9 After Prostitution Bust
  3. Drag Is Coming Out of The (Gay Bar) Closet in Arlington
  4. A Pawn Shop in Crystal City is Selling a Pair of Super Bowl Rings and Trophies
  5. Nearly 70 Rats and Mice Rescued from Arlington Hoarding Case Now Eligible for Adoption

Head down to the comments to discuss your worst commuting story, your favorite Star Trek episode or anything else of local interest.