Around Town

Sign up for ARLnow’s AI-written morning email

Robots in a local newsroom (AI generated image by ARLnow via Midjourney)

ARLnow’s flagship Afternoon Update email newsletter gives you links to all of the local headlines of the day — up until 4 p.m., at least.

But what if you wanted a quicker way to breeze through local news stories for the previous day?

Now there’s an official option for that (in addition to the Early Morning Notes email for ARLnow Press Club members).

Today ARLnow is officially rolling out its AI-written morning summary email. You can get it in addition to — or instead of — the Afternoon Update here.

For existing subscribers, click “Update your profile” at the bottom of any email and select the option of “Add morning AI email.”

The morning email goes out weekdays at 8 a.m. and is completely written via AI, with only minor human intervention when necessary. Despite tweaks over the past few months, it remains somewhat overwrought and corny in its approach, but it does summarize stories pretty well.

This is, admittedly, a bit of a novelty for now. You shouldn’t use the AI-written email alone for decision-making purposes. But if you want to see an interesting showcase of current AI capabilities, while getting a quick summary of local news in Arlington, sign up here.

A recent ARLnow morning email