
Morning Poll: How will Daylight Saving Time affect your routines?

Sunrise over the D.C. monuments, as seen from Arlington (Flickr pool photo by Kevin Wolf)

Daylight Saving Time is around the corner.

The annual time change is set to take place early this coming Sunday, March 10. Clocks will “spring forward” by an hour, thus providing an extra hour of daylight in the evening (but one fewer hour of sleep Sunday).

In a previous ARLnow poll, some 60% of readers said they would like to see Daylight Saving Time be extended throughout the year. Earlier this week, the time change was the second-most popular choice for “Which March thing are you most looking forward to?”

Given the local affinity for the extra hour of daylight, we were wondering what, if anything, readers were planning to do with that extra daytime.

Pick the best answer in the poll below and let us know in the comments if there’s another daylight-enhanced evening activity that you’re even more jazzed about.