Around Town

WWII props built in Arlington backyard showcased at home of French ambassador

Model WWII props built in an Arlington veteran’s backyard were featured at a VIP event Wednesday at the French ambassador’s residence.

Former Army officer David Ostrander constructed a set of hedgehog anti-tank obstacles, as well as a portion of a World War II era landing craft, to go along with several surplus Army jeeps at two French fêtes. Yesterday’s event took place on Victory in Europe Day, while the second is scheduled to happen at the French embassy on June 6, the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings.

“I drew up the plans and did most of the work, and then had some buddies come by this week and help me paint it and assemble the pieces,” Ostrander told ARLnow on Tuesday. “Today we disassembled it and set everything up at the ambassador’s residence.”

The history buff described “a scripted performance for the guests, with sound, music, paratroopers and water-borne infantry” attended by over 700 people, including eight WWII veterans as well as lawmakers, ambassadors and business elite.

A friend had approached Ostrander about contributing to the event after joining him on a ride in the surplus Army jeeps. Ambitions gradually grew across three months of planning.

While this week’s event was invite-only, the June 6 event will be public and is expected to host about 1,000 people, Ostrander said. Additional details are not yet available on the French Embassy’s website.