
Small Biz Focus: The Summer of Small Business Startups

This column is sponsored by BizLaunch, a division of Arlington Economic Development.

By Tara Palacios

As we enter the dog days of summer, business is flourishing in Arlington.

This summer BizLaunch, Arlington’s small business assistance network has seen a 30% rise in the number of entrepreneurs starting businesses. People across the county are launching businesses at a fast clip in a wide variety of industries such as childcare, fitness, eCommerce, financial management, retail as well as consulting.

Ages of new business owners range from young to older adults — and BizLaunch is also experiencing an uptick in the number of women entrepreneurs.

What is the root cause of why so many people are interested in launching their business this summer?

Most new business owners state they were interested in leaving their current jobs and starting their own businesses because they felt they had more to offer than what they were doing for a larger corporation.

They also want to improve industry standards based on their own experiences. Many startups expressed a desire to be engaged in social entrepreneurship — because they are interested in giving back to the community they live in for a variety of causes.

In response to the large number of new businesses, this fall, BizLaunch will host a variety of specialized programs to address the increased needs of new entrepreneurs in our community.

BizLaunch will be bringing back its hugely popular quarterly series of Brunch and Business events with our sponsors Arlington Community Federal Credit Union, Spaces at the Artisphere and partner the Arlington Chamber of Commerce.

Please save the date — we will kick off the first Brunch and Business on October 3 at Spaces at the Artisphere and will be addressing the current Trade War and its effect on local businesses.

Bookmark our BizLaunch events Webpage today to stay abreast with all of the upcoming small business activities including training, educational workshops and networking opportunities.

We hope to see you there this fall!