
Just Reduced Properties in Arlington

Each week, “Just Reduced” spotlights properties in Arlington County whose price have been cut over the previous week. The market summary is crafted by Arlington Realty, Inc. Maximize your real estate investment with the team by visiting www.arlingtonrealtyinc.com or calling 703-836-6000 today!

Please note: While Arlington Realty, Inc. provides this information for the community, it may not be the listing company of these homes.

Hello there, September!

It’s an action-packed month here in the D.C. area and well beyond.

Monday is the Labor Day holiday and, for our Jewish friends, it’s also Rosh Hashanah. Sept. 11 marks the 20th anniversary of the 2001 attacks on our country and community, which will surely be a reflective and powerful day for all Arlingtonians. Sept. 22 marks the first day of the fall season. And there is so much more to look forward to.

Amid so many happenings, if selling and/or buying real estate is at the top of your September to-do list, let’s make it happen! There is still time to achieve your real estate dreams here in 2021, and the time-tested team at Arlington Realty, Inc. is more than ready to roll and advocate on your behalf.

Until then, here are this week’s Just Reduced numbers, and here’s to a happy September!

As of Aug. 30, there are 164 detached homes, 56 townhouses and 330 condos for sale throughout Arlington County. In total, 34 homes experienced a price reduction in the past week:

3414 N. Albemarle Street

Please note this is solely a selection of Just Reduced properties available in Arlington County. For a complete list of properties within your target budget and specifications, contact Arlington Realty, Inc.