
Open Discussion: Arlington Releases Financial Audit

As required by law, Arlington has completed a comprehensive audit of the county’s finances for fiscal year 2010.

The audit, conducted by the accounting firm of Clifton Gunderson LLP, was just posted on the county’s web site and discussed briefly by County Manager Barbara Donnellan at Tuesday afternoon’s board meeting.

“I’m glad to report that the county has once again received an unqualified or ‘clean’ opinion from our auditors,” Donnellan said. “Once again Arlington’s fiscal management has been found to be strong.”

The 216-page report can be downloaded in PDF format here. Instead of attempting what would likely be a woefully incomplete analysis, we’ll open up the comment section to anyone who wants to examine specific sections of the document.

If we can find a couple hundred food critics, there have got to be a few accountants out there, right?