
Small Biz Focus: Your End of Year Business Tune-Up

This column is sponsored by BizLaunch, a division of Arlington Economic Development.

By Tara Palacios

Are you distracted by sugar plums dancing in your head? Don’t be! There is still time to strategize to ensure a productive 2019. The last 12 days of 2018 provide an excellent opportunity to plan for the New Year (You’ll start to notice this week the emails have slowed as people start to leave on vacation — seize the day!).

Here are 5 quick BizLaunch Tips to ensure you pass your end of the year business tune up:

  • Set Up a Quick Meeting with Your Accountant
    The tax law changed last year. How have the new changes impacted your business? Are there things you can do now to help you manage 2019? Draw up a list of questions for your accountant before the clock strikes 12 on December 31.
  • Dust Off Your Strategic Plan
    When was the last time you reviewed your strategy? What is working and most importantly what is not working? Which areas should you update in the coming year to grow your business? Take a hard look right now and ask yourself tough questions about the direction your business is headed.
  • Audit Your Goals from 2018
    Did you accomplish the goals you set for yourself this year? What should you continue doing and what should you change?
  • How Does Your Desk Look?
    Are proposals scattered around your desk and you can’t find your chair? Now is a good time as ever to refresh and put your files in order. You’ll feel great after you do!
  • Set Up an Appointment with an Advisor
    Mentorship is priceless. Is there an advisor in your life you feel 100% comfortable bouncing ideas off of? If so, schedule a meeting in the New Year. If not, give us a call! You may come up with a plan that you hadn’t thought of in the New Year.

As a business there are still things you can do before the end of the year to be ahead in 2019.

And, yes — we do have *new* events in store for the New Year on Branding and Funding Your Dreams. We hope you will join us. Warm wishes during this holiday season, and we look forward to a wonderful 2019!

The BizLaunch Team