
ARLnow parent Local News Now partners with Montgomery County news site The MoCoShow

The MoCoShow logo

ARLnow has a new neighbor in the ol’ datacenter today.

The MoCoShow — the homegrown (and very popular) local news site for Montgomery County, Maryland — has partnered with Local News Now, the company that publishes ARLnow, ALXnow and FFXnow.

Much like LNN’s partnerships with PoPville and Potomac Local, our company will be working with The MoCoShow to help sell advertising to local organizations, to provide a high level of service to advertising clients, and to host and maintain their website.

It remains a challenging time for local news, even at large companies with deep financial backing like the Washington Post. But LNN and its partners are finding success through authentically local, audience-focused coverage; through forward-thinking and client-focused advertising solutions; and by centralizing technical and back office functions.

With the addition of The MoCoShow to the roster of LNN owned-and-operated and partner sites in the D.C. area, the company now collectively reaches more than 3 million monthly unique website visitors while serving over 80 million pageviews annually.

“We are so excited about our partnership with LNN and look forward to being able to expand the ways we can continue to work with local businesses,” said The MoCoShow founder Alex Tsironis.

“Local news is alive and well in the D.C. area and the added scale and reach this partnership provides will help bolster the editorial mission of all of our sites and partners,” said LNN founder Scott Brodbeck. “We’re especially pumped about working with The MoCoShow since its rapid organic growth reminds of us of the first years of ARLnow — except they now have an even bigger audience. And that’s not to mention their incredible social media engagement.”

“The MoCoShow is an authentic local voice for Montgomery County and an example of how local news consumers are prioritizing useful, relevant and fact-based information over staid news reporting styles and sensibilities,” Brodbeck continued. “We can’t wait to see how they find more ways to serve MoCo residents as we help grow their revenue and keep non-editorial costs down.”

This is LNN’s first presence in Maryland since the sale of Bethesda Now to Bethesda Magazine in 2014.

Expanded advertising opportunities on The MoCoShow are now available. In the coming months, meanwhile, LNN will embark on a major web development project to modernize the look, feel and function of The MoCoShow, ARLnow and the rest of our local sites.