
Just Reduced Properties in Arlington

Each week, “Just Reduced” spotlights properties in Arlington County whose price have been cut over the previous week. The market summary is crafted by Arlington Realty, Inc. Maximize your real estate investment with the team by visiting www.arlingtonrealtyinc.com or calling 703-836-6000 today!

Please note: While Arlington Realty, Inc. provides this information for the community, it may not be the listing company of these homes.

We love a quirky holiday or two around here and today, November 20, is G.O.H.A.R.D. Day. So, what does that stand for exactly?

Globally Organized Hug A Runner Day. That’s a new one for us, but for all those folks inspiring us locally with their running endeavors (many of which have a charitable benefit!) we salute you and give you a big air-hug.

Speaking of running (and outdoor activities in general), Arlington County is an outdoor lovers’ paradise. Here are a few stats to throw your way: 98 percent of residents are within a 10-minute walk of a park; there are more than 150 parks and 49 miles of trails throughout the county; and many of our park facilities boast programs galore, spanning 55-plus activities and camps throughout the summer.

So, if any active lifestyle is up your alley, we can help you find the home of your dreams nearby. When you’re ready to get running (pun intended, obviously) on your real estate search, the team at Arlington Realty, Inc. is ready to roll.

As of November 18, there are 136 detached homes, 17 townhouses and 88 condos for sale throughout Arlington County. In total, 19 homes experienced a price reduction in the past week:

Please note that this is solely a selection of Just Reduced properties available in Arlington County. For a complete list of properties within your target budget and specifications, contact Arlington Realty, Inc.