
Arlington Pet of the Week: Snow

Meet Arlington’s Pet of the Week, Snow, a 12 year old cat that enjoys smoked salmon for Sunday brunch.

Here is what Snow’s owner had to say about her life here in Arlington:

Snow is a 12-year-old little lady that enjoys bird watching and Sunday brunches – as long as there is smoked salmon. She begins each day quietly waiting in the bathroom until someone turns the sink on for her morning drink. She then inventories her box collection, having a good sit in each one. As each day progresses, Snow luxuriates in patches of sunshine as they traverse the floor from one end of the apartment to the other

Snow is a real foodie. She is happy to share your meal with you. Though she does not like vegetables, she often requests to try them. At least baby carrots make good toys. She is fond of a variety of cheeses and is first to vocalize her feelings on the subject. In Snow’s eyes, all cans contain tuna fish. She can be drawn out of a deep sleep, under the bed somewhere, to that first pop of a can lid being punctured. At only 8 pounds, she manages to keep herself svelte despite eating all the fish and cheese she can get her mitts on.

Each evening Snow gets a brief workout chasing a laser or string. At bedtime she likes to burrow under the covers and snuggle for a little extra warmth, even if it is 107 degrees outside. Snow has a diagnosed heart condition but has already exceeded her prognosis, so we keep things simple and easy for her. She has very much enjoyed the extra snuggle time that quarantine has provided, and all of the meals taken at home.

Want your pet to be considered for the Arlington Pet of the Week? Email [email protected] with a 2-3 paragraph bio and at least 3-4 horizontally-oriented photos of your pet. Please don’t send vertical photos, they don’t fit in our photo galleries!