Around Town

Announcing the 24 Hour Holiday Poem Contest

Update on 12/23 — We have a winner.

When Synetic Theater offered us two free tickets to their family-friendly performance of The Nutcrackerplaying in Crystal City through Jan. 16 — we immediately realized that this was a perfect opportunity for a holiday-themed contest.

Since haiku and ugly holiday sweater contests are old hat, here’s what we’re going to do instead:

Compose a poem about Arlington, in the style of a classic holiday song or story. For instance, you might work brown flip flops into Twas the Night Before Christmas.

Submit your masterpiece in the comments section, and be sure to use your real email address so we can tell you how to claim your Nutcracker tickets if you’re the winner.

Please keep your poem short and lighthearted. Mean-spirited or obscene submissions will be removed.

We’ll pick our favorite and announce the champion around this time tomorrow.

Photo courtesy Synetic Theater