
Just Reduced Properties in Arlington

Each week, “Just Reduced” spotlights properties in Arlington County whose price have been cut over the previous week. The market summary is crafted by Arlington Realty, Inc. Maximize your real estate investment with the team by visiting www.arlingtonrealtyinc.com or calling 703-836-6000 today!

Please note: While Arlington Realty, Inc. provides this information for the community, it may not be the listing company of these homes.

You’re likely going to see some adorable pooches crowding your social media feeds today.

That’s because it’s National Dog Day!

In addition to the human friends we’ve made throughout the years, we’ve certainly made some four-legged ones as well. After all, when our human clients settle into a new home, sometimes they have a dog (or two, or three… or more) that are settling into their new adobe with them. (And, P.S., yes, we absolutely love our cat, bird, hamster, fish, guinea pig and horse residents, too, y’all.)

We’ve seen it time and time again — Dog and/or pet policies and regulations can certainly make or break a deal.

So, when you’re ready to em-BARK (pun obviously intended) on your real estate journey, the team at Arlington Realty will always put your (and Fido’s) needs and desires first.

Now on to this week’s Just Reduced figures.

As of August 24, there are 162 detached homes, 41 townhouses and 257 condos for sale throughout Arlington County. In total, 40 homes experienced a price reduction in the past week:

Please note that this is solely a selection of Just Reduced properties available in Arlington County. For a complete list of properties within your target budget and specifications, contact Arlington Realty, Inc.